Later I could do the sync using the parallel 2.14.2 release in both the phone & I even tried, but the "logcat" is beyond my present ability. I then updated my phone and tablet apps, but nothing changed. Trying for about 1 1/2 hours, and receiving the same message, I checked for updates in Play Store and saw that the version 2.15alpha13 have been released. Try again later." I thought it might be a temporary unavailability of the sync server. I received always the message "Sync error - An error has occurred. After that, I could not sync AnkiDroid anymore (I was using 2.15alpha12), nor in my phone, nor in the tablet. After editing some notes on PC, specifically changing note type, a full sync was made from my PC to the server. I constantly use 3 devices: Ankidroid 2.15alpha in my phone and tablet (Samsung Note 9 and Samsung Tab S6), and Anki Desktop (2.1.36beta3) on my PC (windows 10).īut today I have had a bigger problem. I noted that many times when I pressed Sync the app crased and closed, especially when there was nothing to update, that is, when I forgot I've already pressured the Sync button, and a few time later pressed it again in the same device, without having used Anki and synced from other devices (that is, if nothing went wrong, I would receive the message "No changes found").

And since I'm only using Anki in order to learn vocabulary and don't use any media files, syncing only the collection data would be fine at least for me.I had posted the debug info (I'll repeat the debug info below). So for multi-platform users like me this feature really is a must-have. That's just too much trouble, I already can see that I don't remeber in which App I made which changes and end up loosing data. However, since Anki Universal can't sync the data to AnkiWeb, I always have to export from AnkiUniversal, import the Data to Anki App (for Windows), sync the data, learn on my phone, sync Anki App (Windows), import to Anki Universal etc.

However, since about 2 months I switched the platform and therefore I'm forced to use one of the other mobile versions or the web interface on my phone, instead. So it worked perfectly while I was still using a Windows Mobile 10 device. On the one hand, syncing with OneDrive is great, it works nice for Anki Universal and the data is kept in one's own OneDrive folder.

I really miss the ability to sync with AnkiWeb, too.